Giovanni Giovannetti, Filippo Brunelleschi
- Date
- 1882-1887
- Collocation
- Museo dell'Ottocento
- Material
- Plaster
- Technique
- Shaping
- Dimensions
- Height: 129 cm; Width: 129 cm; Thickness: 45 cm ca.;
- Material
- Plaster
- Scheda Arnolfo
- Busto ritratto di Filippo Brunelleschi
Plaster model made in 1883 by Giovanni Giovannetti, depicting the portrait of Filippo Brunelleschi in half-length. This is the preparatory work for the marble relief seen in the portrait gallery of artists on the cymatium of the Cathedral facade. The great architect wears the clothes of his time; his facial features are taken from his death mask, cast by Buggiano and now kept in the Museum: humped nose, receding chin, and largely bald; the proud and almost disdainful gaze turned downwards. Brunelleschi is celebrated by this portrait as the architect of the dome “which seems swiftly to rise to the sky”.
The gallery with the portraits of the great artists is part of the iconographic program of the facade, developed by Emilio de Fabris, the architect responsible for the creation of the new architectural front, together with the philosopher Augusto Conti. The program is centered on the theme of Christ and Mary and aims to express "the greatness of Christianity in itself, and its harmonies with civilization, especially for the gentle inspirations that derive from Christian worship to the Mother of the Redeemer" and among these "Useful Arts, Sciences, Fine Arts".
The celebration of the glories of the past was part of the Risorgimento (literally “rise again”) culture of the 19th century, in the times of liberation and reunification of the different states as the new Kingdom of Italy.