Opera magazine

A device to measure the distance between visitors. The Opera del Duomo is the first institution to use it in the museum environment.
While waiting for the reopening, we are preparing a series of activities to guarantee maximum safety.
Waiting for the instructions from the Italian Government on museums’ reopening, the Opera di Santa Maria del Fiore is preparing a series of activities to ensure maximum safety and comfort when visiting its monuments.
Among the various measures that will be put in place, we will be the first to use a device that allows to keep the correct distance between visitors. An anonymous system which does not track movements nor data.
It is a device (Tag EGOpro Social Distancing) made by the Italian company AME (Advanced Microwave Engineering) based in Florence and with many years of international experience in the area of safety within industrial environments. During the Covid-19 emergency the company has readjusted this system to make use of it for keeping interpersonal distance.
The device will be provided for visitors for free at the start of their visit. While in use, it will signal that the minimum allowed distance has been exceeded by vibrating and illuminating, thus ensuring the safety as well as the excellent quality of the visit. After the visit, the device will be returned and sanitized for later use.
In the case of members of the same family group it is possible to stop the alarm signal.
Image: AME credits