Florentine manufacture, Nerli Chasuble
- Author
- Florentine manufacture
- Date
- 1669-1670
- Collocation
- Sala del Tesoro
- Original location
- Cathedral, Chapel of San Barnaba
- Material
- Silk fabric, gold
- Technique
- Gros de Tours, embroidery
- Dimensions
- Height: 119 cm; Width: 85 cm;
- Scientific catalog (only in italian)
- Pianeta del Cardinal Nerli
Cardinal Nerli’s silk chasuble, richly embroidered with gold thread, Tuscan work from the second half of the 17th century. This deep violet chasuble, called “Morello” would have been used during Advent and Lent, when the liturgical calendar imposes violet vestments to represent penitence and waiting. The fabric is embroidered with gold foil wrapped around silk thread down the sides and on the center panel, or cross of the chasuble. The decorative pattern of elegant scrolls, leaves and flowers reflects the Baroque tastes of the 17th century.