Florentine craftsmen, Urn of Repose

Florentine craftsmen
C. 1625-1650
Sala del Tesoro
Original location
Cathedral, Sacristy
Wood, silver, gold, velvet
Carving, moulding, embossing, lacquering, gilding, engraving
Height: 87 cm; Width: 140 cm; Depth: 40 cm;
Wood, silver, gold, velvet

Reposoir, or urn, for the Blessed Sacrament, in carved and gilded wood decorated with silver plaques and velvet silk. Tuscan work from the second quarter of the 17th century. The reposoir contains the consecrated host in particular moments of the liturgical year, principally from Maundy Thursday to Good Friday during Holy Week. The Maundy Thursday Mass, known as the In Coena Domini, commemorates Christ’s Last Supper with his Apostles, the moment in which He instituted the sacrament of the Eucharist. During the Mass the hosts are consecrated and stored in the reposoir. Good Friday marks the Passion and Crucifixion of Christ, and the Church invites the faithful to adore the Eucharist. The reposoir is reminiscent in shape of a tomb and has a small door decorated with symbols of the Passion of Christ. On Good Fridays it was placed on a wooden altar in the chapel of Saint Zenobius in the Cathedral. 

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Sala del tesoro