Opera magazine

"Sonus" is born, the first series on musical iconography present in Italian museums:
an innovative project conceived and curated by Professor Barbara Aniello of the Pontifical Gregorian University
"Sonus" is an itinerant and interactive itinerary between the visual and the sound. Conceived as a book, published by Centro Di, it contains a QR code that allows you to listen to the sound of lutes, viels, trumpets, cymbals and other instruments depicted in monuments and works of art. The musical pieces were recorded specifically for "Sonus", under the guidance of Maestro Mauro Morini, by the ensemble of historical instruments La Pifarescha.
"Sonus 1 - Florence" is the first volume of the series: an extraordinary itinerary that will lead us to discover the musical works of Opera di Santa Maria del Fiore. Starting from the Opera del Duomo Museum, it winds through the bell tower, the Cathedral and finally the Baptistery of San Giovanni. In this way, in addition to contemplating the works that inhabit the monumental complex of Santa Maria del Fiore, the visitor will also be able to hear the multimedia contents that accompany each card of the catalogue, making the musical instrument of the biblical character of the corresponding monument 'resound', enriching the visiting experience at various levels of depth.
After Florence, the numbers dedicated to Rome, Vatican City, Naples, Milan, Bergamo, Palermo, Padua, Viterbo, Ravenna, Tarquinia and Perugia will follow.
"Sonus 1 - Florence", in collaboration with Pontificia Università Gregoriana, Pontificio Consiglio della Cultura e Pontificio Istituto di Musica Sacra, makes use of an international scientific committee, under the aegis of the Director of the Opera del Duomo Museum, Mons. Timothy Verdon, prof. Barbara Aniello and of prof. Gabriele Giacomelli.