Various sculptors, Five Saints among adoring angels

Guidi, Jacopo di Piero - Piero di Giovanni Tedesco - Giovanni di Ambrogio - Andrea Pisano
Sala del Paradiso
Original location
Cathedral, medieval facade
Marble, plaster
Sculpture, cast
Marble, plaster

Group of five monumental marble statues depicting four saints and an apostle, headless, in ancient clothes, accompanied by pairs of adoring angels, were sculpted in the 1390s for the tabernacles on the sides of the central portal on the medieval façade of the Cathedral. Jacopo di Piero Guidi sculpted the prophet with a roll, Andrea Pisano sculpted Saint Lawrence, Piero di Giovanni Tedesco created Saint Victor, while Giovanni d'Ambrogio carved Saint Barnaba. After the facade was dismantled these sculptures found refuge in the courtyard of Palazzo Medici Riccardi, changed in ancient philosophers, except for Saints Stephen and Lawrence, which are today in the Louvre and have been replaced here by ancient casts. These are four saints particularly linked to the Florentine Church: Larence and Stephen affared the people of the nearby churches dedicated to these saints, while on the days of the feasts of saints Barnaba and Victor the Florentines reported important military victories, respectively, against the Pisans in Cascina, in 1364, and against Arezzo at Campaldino, in 1289.

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Sala del Paradiso