Andrea Sansovino and Innocenzo Spinazzi, Baptism of Christ

Sansovino, Andrea - Spinazzi, Innocenzo
1502-1505, 1792
Sala del Paradiso
Original location
Baptistery of Saint John, exterior, above the east gate
White marble
White marble

Sculptural group in white marble, composed of three larger-than-life-size figures, depicting Christ baptized by Saint John in the presence of an angel, and coming from the external east wall of the Baptistery, above the Door of Paradise, where it was part of the sixteenth-century sculptural cycle on the life of the Baptist made up of three groups located on the three entrances to the temple. The sculptor Andrea Sansovino worked on the figure of Christ and that of John the Baptist in 1502-1505, but both were completed in 1569 by Vincenzo Danti. They are worked with finesse of design and naturalness of shapes: Christ, standing and half naked with his hands clasped to his chest, has the Apollonian beauty of an ancient marble. Complementary to his composure is the figure of the Baptist, more dynamic both in the stretched pose and in the modeling characterized by strongly chiaroscuro areas. Detach the Angel, which was added at the end of the eighteenth century by Innocenzo Spinazzi and whose dilated and soft shapes recall the late Baroque style of the eighteenth century. Replaced in its original location by a copy, the group was admitted to the Museum, and since 2015 it has been reunited at the Porta del Paradiso. The episode of the Baptism of Christ, narrated in the Gospels, is central both in the story of the life of the Baptist and of Christ himself and it is of particular importance for the Christian faith as it is the act of institution of Baptism. This explains the presence of this subject above the main entrance of the temple dedicated to San Giovanni, where the sacrament of Baptism was administered to the Florentines. These statues therefore remembered both the titular saint of the church and his role in the path of salvation of believers.

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Sala del Paradiso