Workshop of Andrea Pisano, The seven Sacraments

Workshop of Andrea Pisano
Original location
Giotto's bell tower, north side, second register
Height: 86 cm ca.; Width: 63 cm ca.; Thickness: 12 cm ca.;

Marble reliefs from the workshop of Andrea Pisano (1343-1360) depicting the sacraments of Baptism, Reconciliation, Matrimony, Holy Orders, Confirmation, the Eucharist and the Extreme Unction. The significance of the seven sacraments stands out in the sculptural cycle of the Campanile, they are the representation of Christ’s redemption which continues in the Church. The sacrament of Baptism is represented by a monk pouring water on the head of a child, the moment of rebirth when Christ purges original sin. Reconciliation shows the penitent kneeling before a priest: Christ the ever-merciful will always forgive sinners. The sacrament of Marriage shows the bridegroom putting the ring on the finger of his bride in front of a friar and family members, as God unites man and woman in an intimate communion of life. Holy Orders depicts the moment a bishop reads the act of consecration over a newly-ordained priest (the original relief was over one of the doors and is cracked). Confirmation shows a bishop in the act of anointing the forehead of a child held in the arms of a woman, with this sacrament man is filled with the Holy Spirit, uniting him firmly to Christ. The Eucharist is celebrated with the elevation of the Host, the moment of transubstantiation during the Mass when the communion wafer becomes the Body of Christ. Lastly, Extreme Unction depicts a man on his deathbed attended by clergy, who are blessing the holy oil as they administer the last rites, the sacrament in which Christ accompanies the soul of the dying man across the threshold of eternal life. 

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Galleria del Campanile