Baccio Bandinelli, Arch of the choir of the Cathedral
- Author
- Baccio Bandinelli
- Date
- 1546-1572
- Collocation
- Sala delle cantorie
- Original location
- Cathedral, choir enclosure
- Material
- Serravezza marble
- Technique
- Sculpture, moulding, turning
- Dimensions
- Height: 350 cm;
- Material
- Serravezza marble
Two marble columns and two pilasters supporting a marble arch from the choir enclosure in the Cathedral that Baccio Bandinelli and Giuliano di Baccio d’Agnolo started in 1547. Inside the Duomo Filippo Brunelleschi first created a “choir” in 1436. An octagonal enclosure mirroring the dome above it, its purpose was to fence off the liturgical space of the altar. Initially constructed in wood as a temporary solution, it actually stood for nearly a century and was further embellished on many occasions before being replaced in 1520 by another choir, again in wood. In 1547 Grand Duke Cosimo I de’ Medici commissioned the construction of a new choir, this time in marble. The octagonal shape was maintained and this arch was one of the four located on the north, south, east and west sides of the structure.