Restorative architectural model of Brunelleschi's choir of the Cathedral

Franco Gizdulich
Galleria della Cupola
Wood, pigments
Shaping, turning, painting
Height: 22,5 cm; Diameter: 125 cm;
Wood, pigments

A modern model of Brunelleschi’s choir by Franco Gizdulich, showing its original structure. Based on a medal by Bertoldo di Giovanni. Records show that Filippo Brunelleschi built choir stalls under his recently completed dome in 1436. These were intended to separate the area of the Cathedral’s main altar, the exclusive preserve of the clergy, from the rest of the building. Brunelleschi devised an octagonal presbytery surrounded by a low parapet, with corner pillars supporting an architrave, from which hung a number of lamps. In addition to the written records, Brunelleschi’s choir is also attested by a bronze medal commemorating the Pazzi Conspiracy by the sculptor Bertoldo di Giovanni. The 1478 Pazzi conspiracy saw Giuliano de Medici stabbed to death in the Cathedral. Brunelleschi's choir was in wood because it was intended to be a temporary structure, later to be constructed in marble, however it was superseded by events when a new choir by Baccio Bandinelli and Giuliano Baccio d'Agnolo was erected for Cosimo I in 1547.

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