Giovanni Balducci called Cosci (attr.), Lamentation over the Dead Christ

Giovanni Balducci, called Il Cosci
Galleria dei modelli
Original location
Canvas, tempera pigments
Height: 230 cm; Width: 571 cm;
Canvas, tempera pigments

Tempera painting by Giovanni Balducci (1588), depicting the Lamentation on the dead Christ. Painted for the main altar of the Cathedral dedicated to the Madonna tribune; together with a Last Supper for the St Zanobus altar and a Via Crucis for that of the Holy Cross, this canvas was part of the apparatus set up in occasion of the grand duke's wedding Ferdinando I de 'Medici with Christina of Lorraine (1589). These three episodes recall three salient moments of the Passion, through which the faithful are invitated to meditate on the physical and Eucharistic body of Christ, in perfect harmony with the spirituality advocated by the Council of Trent. The two characters on the left side of the painting invite the onlooker, through emphatic gestures and dialoguing expressions, to consider what is depicted in the center: the heartfelt and reverent weeping of Mary and the other disciples, both men and women, in front of the lifeless body of Christ , offered as a sacrifice for the salvation of humanity.

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