Bernardo di Stefano Rosselli, Saint Ivo

Bernardo di Stefano Rosselli (attr.)
c. 1470-1480
Sala delle navate
Original location
Wood, tempera pigments
Shaping, painting
Height: 147,5 cm; Width: 88 cm; Thickness: 4,5 cm;
Wood, tempera pigments

Saint Yves with supplicants, arched panel on a gold background dating from the second half of the 15th century and attributed to the painter Bernardo di Stefano Rosselli. The painting shows an enthroned Saint Yves wearing a voluminous red mantle receiving a parchment (possibly a contact) from a female supplicant and a bag of money from a man; we do not know where the work was originally placed. Saint Yves was the patron saint of judges and lawyers, whose guild in Florence was in Via del Proconsolo. Despite the work’s format and its lavish use of gold leaf, more in keeping with the tradition of medieval painting, it actually dates back to the second half of the Quattrocento. Among the various attributions hypothesized by scholars, probably the most likely author of the work is Bernardo di Stefano Rosselli, an artist who trained in the workshop of Neri di Bicci. 

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Sala delle navate