Tactile path
A tactile path to give a deep and emotional experience without using sight, developed to be inclusive and accessible to the visitors of this area of the museum, a different multisensory approach in harmony with the new rules of conservation of sculptural works that do not allow touching of the original works. Both the tactile path and the training of the staff of the Opera have been carried out together with the associations working in this sector, through a continuous comparison and a constant collaboration, especially thanks to UICI (Italian Union of the Blind and Visually Impaired); the Anteros Tactile Museum in Bologna; the Omero Tactile Museum in Ancona; the Stamperia Braille in the Tuscany Region.
We organize the following types of theme-specific guided tours, all by appointment and including a selection of works of art:
- Guided tactile visits for blind and partially sighted people
- Tactile visits suitable for people with other disabilities or conditions.