Tuscan craftsmen, Marble floor of the Baptistery
Donatello and Michelozzo, Funeral monument of the Antipope John XXIII
Sepulcher of Guccio de' Medici
Sepulcher of  Giovanni da Velletri, called Sarcophagus of the flower girl
Sepulcher of Bishop Ranieri
Giuseppe Castellucci, Main altar
Tuscan craftsmen, Mosaic with Last Judgment
Venetian and Tuscan craftsmen, Mosaics of the apse
Master from Lucca (attr.), Mosaic with natural motivs (first register)
Tuscan craftsmen, Mosaic with Angelic hierarchies (second register)
Tuscan craftsmen, Mosaic with Stories of Genesis (third register)
Tuscan craftsmen, Mosaic with Stories of the Patriarch Joseph (fourth register)
Tuscan craftsmen, Mosaic with Stories of the Baptist (sixth register)
Tuscan craftsmen, Mosaics with Popes, Bishops and Deacons Saints (drum)
Tuscan craftsmen, Mosaics with Prophets (railings of the matroneum)
Tuscan craftsmen, Mosaics of the choirs of the matroneo
Tuscan craftsmen, Wall paintings of the matroneum
Giuseppe Piamontini, Saint John the Baptist
Giovanni di Jacopo, Paschal Candelabrum
Tuscan craftsmen, Six stoups with column shaft
Lorenzo Ghiberti, Frame of the Gate of Paradise
Lorenzo Ghiberti, Frame of the North Door
Vittorio Ghiberti, Frame of the South Door
Porphyry columns, called of the Pisans
Fragment of a Roman sarcophagus
Giovan Francesco Rustici, Eagle of the Guild of Calimala