Opera del Duomo Museum
6,000+ square meters of surface structured into 28 rooms and divided over three floors: a spectacular setting capable of enhancing unique masterpieces in the world that are presented in an adequate and faithful way according to the sense for which they were created. A concentration of faith, art and history that has no equal in the world.
The Museum was founded in 1891 and in 2015 it was radically renovated. It is conceived as an educational path to discover the places and artists who gave life to the monumental complex of the Opera, the cradle of the Renaissance, and it is today one of the most important museums in the world, both for the value and the number of works of art kept inside, as well as for the architectural and technological avant-garde of its environments and its museographic equipment. Here are preserved the original masterpieces of art that over the course of seven centuries have decorated its monuments: from Michelangelo, to Donatello, Brunelleschi, Ghiberti and countless others.
N.B. The Museum is closed every first Tuesday of the month due to maintenance.
The Museum is also accessible for people with mobility difficulties. Subject to exhaustion of places, it is possible to reserve free admission for the person with difficulties, by writing an email to accessibilita@duomo.firenze.it or by contacting the cash desk in Piazza San Giovanni 7, subject to availability, against a certification document. Any gratuity for the companion is subject to further considerations. For any paying people to match, we kindly ask you to make the purchase online.
The monument features the TouchAble path inside.
To find out the projects prepared by the Opera del Duomo, visit the page Project for accessibility.